MRTB Office
- Medical Rehabilitation Therapists (Registration) Board of Nigeria
- Plot 569, Cadastral Zone,
- B10, Jabi, Daki-biyu, Abuja
- Nigeria.
- Tel: +2348159823811 +2348038576192
- Fax:
Account details- 0009814289 TAJ Bank
TITLE:OBTAINING INFORMED CONSENT FOR REHABILITATION (PRACTICE) CONTENT: a. Legal and ethical implications of written and verbal informed consent b. Approaches to determining a person’s decision-making capacity c. Policies and practices governing how, when and from whom informed consent is obtained and documented, including when a person does not have decision-making capacity d. Interviewing e. Explaining processes, risks, benefits and potential outcomes to people and their families with various levels of health literacy DATE AND TIME: 1st February, 2025– 10am to 5pm MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals 5 POINTS |
TITLE:DOCUMENTING INFORMATION (PRACTICE) CONTENT: DATE AND TIME: - 15th February, 2025 - 10am to 5pm MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals |
3. | TITLE:MANAGING RISKS AND HAZARDS (PROFESSIONALISM) CONTENT: THEORY a. Environmental hazards and policies and procedures for their management b. Incident reporting policies and procedures c. How to conduct a risk assessment d. Conducting risk assessments e. Using infection prevention and control measures, including donning and dofing personal protective equipment and performing hand hygiene f. Strategies to prevent and manage situations of conflict and violence, including de-escalation techniques DATE AND TIME: 15th March, 2025 – 10am to 5pm MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals |
CONTENT: THEORY a. The scopes of practice, responsibilities and performance standards for health workers relevant to service context b. Different levels of monitoring and supervision, delegation, accountability and indications for applying these c. Strategies for team communication and coordination d. Allocating tasks e. Delegating responsibilities f. Rostering team members g. Scheduling appointments h. Identifying strengths and limitations of team members and how to manage these to best effectively DATE AND TIME: 29th March, 2025 – 10am to 5pm MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals TITLE: CONDUCTING REHABILITATION ASSESSMENTS (PRACTICE)
CONTENT: a. Potential sources of information for gathering a person’s history b. Type and purpose of information to be collected and recorded c. Indications that a person is in need of protection measures and how these are initiated d. Methods of assessment, such as testing, measurement and evaluation, and when these are applied e. Assessment options relevant to scope of practice and considerations for selection f. Psychometric properties of assessment tools relevant to scope of practice g. Resource requirements for assessments relevant to scope of practice h. Real and potential impact of health, personal and environmental factors on assessment results i. Methods and techniques to conduct assessments and environmental analysis relevant to scope of practice, including how to use relevant instruments or devices j. Methods of adapting or grading assessments to a person k. Timing and frequency for conducting and reporting assessments relevant to scope of practice l. Methods of scoring standardized assessments relevant to scope of practice m. How to interpret assessment results relevant to scope of practice DATE AND TIME: 12th April, 2025 – 10am to 5pm MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING RESEARCH(RESEARCH)
CONTENT: THEORY a. Ethical standards for research with human subjects b. Potential sources of conflicts of interest and how these can be detected and managed c. Potential research grants relevant to context and how to access them d. Quantitative and qualitative study designs e. Types of research bias and how to mitigate for them f. Inferential and descriptive statistics g. Principles of ethical and respectful use of data, and relevant legislation and protocols h. Constructing research proposals and protocols i. Writing funding applications for research j. Writing ethics applications k. Collecting data from a range of sources l. Analysing quantitative and qualitative data, including use of statistical sofware m. Extracting meaningful conclusions from data and identifying potential applications n. Academic writing DATE AND TIME: 26th April, 2025 – 10am to 5pm MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: DEVELOPING AND ADAPTING REHABILITATION PLANS (PRACTICE) CONTENT: a. Methods of establishing priorities and desired outcomes of a person and their family b. Intervention options relevant to scope of practice and considerations for selection c. Frequency and duration typically required for interventions relevant to scope of practice to achieve desired outcomes d. Range of health interventions potentially involved in a person’s treatment, relevant to scope of practice, and their implications for a rehabilitation plan e. Typical care pathways relevant to scope of practice f. Methods of constructing a rehabilitation plan, including who should be involved g. Indications of the need to, and approaches of, adapting a rehabilitation plan h. Setting and reviewing goals i. Constructing a rehabilitation plan DATE AND TIME: 10th May, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: REFERRING TO OTHER PROVIDERS (PRACTICE) CONTENT: a. Range of appropriate providers relevant to scope of practice and considerations for referral b. Typical eligibility criteria of providers relevant to scope of practice c. Potential costs and logistical requirements for accessing providers d. Referral pathways and procedures relevant to scope of practice, including information handover requirements e. Managing handovers f. Writing referrals DATE AND TIME: 24th May, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: UNDERTAKING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES (PROFESSIONALISM)
CONTENT: a. Concepts and principles of quality improvement in health, including effectiveness, efficiency, timeliness, person/family-centredness, equity and safety b. Quality improvement strategies c. Methods of collecting feedback and performance data d. Project management e. Data collection, analysis and reporting f. Impact evaluation DATE AND TIME: 14th June, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: IMPLEMENTING REHABILITATION INTERVENTIONS (PRACTICE)
CONTENT:a. Intervention options relevant to scope of practice and considerations for selection b. Evidence base for interventions relevant to scope of practice c. Risks associated with implementing interventions and how these are managed d. Indications and contraindications for the implementation of interventions relevant to scope of practice e. Potential modes of intervention, such as group sessions, mHealth and telerehabilitation, and considerations for selection f. Existing and emerging technologies for interventions relevant to scope of practice g. Resource requirements for interventions h. Methods and techniques for implementing interventions, including how to use relevant equipment and consumables i. Methods of adapting or grading interventions to a person j. Methods of training and supporting family members or caregivers to deliver or assist with interventions k. Timing for which interventions relevant to scope of practice should be conducted to achieve desired outcomes l. Frequency and duration of an intervention relevant to scope of practice to achieve desired outcomes m. Reasons for noncompliance with rehabilitation plans and methods of maximizing compliance n. Setting up and using equipment and consumables relevant to scope of practice o. Positioning a person to implement an intervention p. Prescribing interventions relevant to scope of practice q. Adapting interventions relevant to scope of practice to a person’s needs r. Administering, assisting or guiding interventions relevant to scope of practice s. Monitoring interventions relevant to scope of practice t. Managing interventions relevant to scope of practice DATE AND TIME: 28th June, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: MANAGING REHABILITATION SERVICE DELIVERY (MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP)
CONTENT: a. Epidemiological and demographic trends driving rehabilitation need relative to context b. Safe working conditions and related standards and regulations c. Principles of inclusive design and standards and regulations for accessibility d. Policies and legislation for human resource management e. Potential resource requirements for delivering services f. Strategies to mobilize resources and manage a service budget g. Methods of managing confidential information and related standards and regulations h. Conducting stocktakes of assistive products, equipment and consumables i. Procuring resources j. Maintaining inventories k. Recruiting team members l. Invoicing m. Drafing policies and procedures DATE AND TIME: 12th July, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: EVALUATING PROGRESS TOWARDS DESIRED OUTCOMES (PRACTICE)
CONTENT:a. Expected trajectory of functioning with implementation of the rehabilitation plan relevant to scope of practice b. Range of outcome measures relevant to scope of practice and considerations for selection c. Intervals for evaluating progress towards desired outcomes d. Non-standardized approaches to determining progress towards desired outcomes, such as observation, self-report and family or caregiver perceptions e. Methods and techniques for using outcome measurement instruments relevant to scope of practice f. How to interpret and report outcome measures relevant to scope of practice g. Setting up and using equipment and consumables relevant to scope of practice h. Implementing inspecting, measuring and testing techniques i. Scoring standardized outcome measures j. Interpreting the results of outcomes measures k. Assessing body functions, activities and participation through observation and interview l. Evaluating outcomes DATE AND TIME: 26th July, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: DISSEMINATING EVIDENCE (RESEARCH) CONTENT: a. Impact factors and target audience of scientific journals b. Real or potential platforms for disseminating evidence c. Dissemination strategies for evidence d. Writing scientific manuscripts e. Presenting evidence to diferent forums and in diferent formats DATE AND TIME: 9th August, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: PARTICIPATING IN TEAM FORUMS (PROFESSIONALISM)
a. Own and others’ roles within a person’s rehabilitation management plan and the rehabilitation serviceCONTENT: b. Appropriate etiquette for meetings and case conferences c. Presenting information in team forums d. Digital literacy for virtual meetings DATE AND TIME: 23rd August, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: DISCHARGING AND ENSURING APPROPRIATE CONTINUITY OF CARE (PRACTICE)
CONTENT: a. Information required and methods for determining discharge readiness, including typical indications and contraindications for discharge relevant to scope of practice b. Methods for determining the need for, and degree of, ongoing support and follow-up that a person and their family may require c. Approaches to facilitating self-management following discharge d. Potential logistical requirements for discharge or transition of care e. How to construct a discharge report, including key information points f. How to ensure successful transfer and/or storage of information on discharge g. Managing handovers h. Closing relationships with a person and their family DATE AND TIME: 13th September, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: ADVISING ON REHABILITATION(PROFESSIONALISM)
CONTENT: a. Typical advice needs and requirements for different audiences/stakeholders b. Legal considerations and frameworks impacting how and when advice can be provided c. Modifying communication according to the needs of an audience d. Using a variety of media to convey information DATE AND TIME: 27th September, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: MONITORING AND EVALUATING REHABILITATION SERVICE DELIVERY (MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP) CONTENT: a. Service delivery indicators and associated data requirements and sources b. Potential service performance indicators and considerations for selection c. How to apply, interpret and report service performance measures d. Mechanisms for service data collection and aggregation e. Policies and regulations for data collection and reporting f. The structure and functions of the health information system and how rehabilitation is or could be integrated g. Methods of engaging rehabilitation service users in service evaluation h. Policies and procedures for conducting or coordinating service audits i. Record keeping i. Report writing j. Data collection, analysis and reporting, including data visualization k. Using standardized service outcome measures l. Inputting into health information systems m. Conducting surveys DATE AND TIME: 11th October, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points TITLE: STRENGTHENING REHABILITATION RESEARCH CAPACITY (RESEARCH) CONTENT: a. Existing research capacity b. Barriers and facilitators to the expansion of research activities c. Rehabilitation research stakeholders and their respective roles d. The rationale for rehabilitation research, including health, economic, educational and social benefits e. Developing stakeholder networks for research partnerships DATE AND TIME: 25th October, 2025 – 10AM TO 4PM MODE: ZOOM WORKSHOP FEE: N3,500 (N1,500 for those that graduated 4 years and below and those that are 60 years and above) PARTICIPANTS: All Medical Rehabilitation Professionals CPD: 5 points |