The MRTB License is an evidential document which shows the endorsement and permission of the Board to a professional practicing one/any of the professions regulated by the MRTB.
The licensing renewal process is KEY for every professional practicing and of the professions regulated by the board. It is an annual process, without which any registrant practicing without a license would be considered a malpractitioner/quack.
These are the required fees as applicable for renewal
Below 10years - 13,000.
Above 10years - 20,000.
The new fees for 2 years license renewal are N30,000, N19,500 and N22,500 for registrants with 10 years of experience, less than 10 years of experience and retirees respectively.
Note: Any Registrant who is owing previous years of Licence renewal should know that he/she is to pay for the missed years before paying for the current year. See fees for licence renewal from 2015 to 2021 below